Admission System version 2.0F (quantitative)

MOD1_UC4: Assign an application fee to a major

Level: User
Main Actors: Candidate


Candidate has to pay an application fee for each major he/she chooses .

- Candidate is logged in to the system
- Candidate has chosen at least one major

Main Scenario:

1. Candidate proceeds to the chosen-majors view .
2. System presents list containing chosen majors .
3. Candidate chooses a major that he/she wants to pay for .
4. System presents a payment form and ask Candidate about the method of payment .
5. Candidate chooses to use a credit card .
6. Candidate provides credit card data and confirms payment .
7. System presents updated list of the chosen majors .


5.A Candidate chooses to pay by money transfer.
5.A.1. System presents Candidate 's individual account number .
5.A.2. Candidate performs money transfer ( outside the system ) .
5.A.3. As soon as as money are registered by System ( MOD2_UC12 ) Candidate can assign payment to the major ( if he/she do n't do that , the payment will be assigned automatically according to priorities ) .
5.A.4. Use cases finishes .

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