Admission System version 2.0F (quantitative)

UC1: Login to the system

Level: User
Main Actors: User


In order to use system one has to authenticate .

- User is not logged in.

Main Scenario:

1. User opens main page .
2. System presents main page with a login form .
3. User fills the login form with the authentication data .
4. System verifies the given data .
5. System welcomes Candidate .


4.A No account with the certain login exists in the system.
4.A.1. System informs the User that there is no account with the given user name in the system .
4.A.2. System suggests the User to register in the system as a Candidate [ MOD1_UC1 ] or contact Administrator to create new account .
4.A.3. Go back to step 3 .
4.B Not all obligatory data was given.
4.B.1. System points which data is missing .
4.B.2. Go back to step 3 .

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