Admission System version 2.0F (quantitative)

MOD2_UC11: Test an admission algorithm

Level: User
Main Actors: Administrator


Administrator may test an admission algorithm to check whether it works as it was intendent to .

- Administrator is logged in to the system
- Administrator has chosen an algorithm to test

Main Scenario:

1. System presents a table containing Candidates ' exemplary data .
2. Administrator chooses Candidates to be included in the test .
3. Administrator adds breakpoints to the algorithm code .
4. Administrator lunches the test .
5. System performs computation according to the algorithm and stops each time a breakpoint is spoted .


2.A Administrator would like to add new a Candidate for a testing purpose.
2.A.1. Administrator chooses to add a new Candidate to examplary data .
2.A.2. System presents form containing information concerning Candidate .
2.A.3. Administrator provides data and confirms .
2.A.4. Go to step 2 .
5.A Administrator would like to stop processing.
5.A.1. Administrator chooses a stop option .
5.A.2. System stops computiation and highlights line being processed .
5.A.3. Administrator examines internal state of variables .
5.A.4. Go to step 5 .

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